Deer Behavior

Do Deer Eat Impatiens? Safeguarding Your Impatiens Garden

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Deer have an array of unusual eating habits. So, do they snack on impatiens – the popular flower? Let’s investigate!

Impatiens are eye-catching and lively. Gardeners plant them for their beauty. But, deer have a huge appetite for plants. So, is impatiens safe from them?

The response is puzzling. Normally, deer don’t eat impatiens because of their bad taste. But, they can surprise us by choosing to devour them.

I remember a friend of mine. She worked hard to make a stunning impatiens display in her yard. She looked forward to it each night. But, in the morning, all the impatiens were gone. Devoured by a daring deer that wanted a yummy meal.

This teaches us that deer may avoid impatiens, but they can still decide to snack on them. Knowing this, gardeners and nature lovers alike can be prepared for either a pleasant experience or an unexpected issue when dealing with deer and impatiens.

Why deer may eat impatiens

Deer may find impatiens quite delightful! Foliage and vibrant flowers attract these creatures. Especially when other food sources are limited. Plus, impatiens have a high water content, which could be a hydration source. Furthermore, they’re tender and easy to consume.

The absence of deterrents like bitter tastes or toxic compounds may make impatiens even more appealing. If you want to prevent deer from eating your impatiens, consider using fencing or other physical barriers. You can also select deer-resistant plant varieties, or use herbs and plants with strong scents as natural repellents.

Preventing deer from eating impatiens

To deter deer from feasting on your impatiens, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Implement physical barriers: Surround your impatiens with a fence or netting to create a physical barrier that prevents deer from accessing them. Make sure the fence is at least 8 feet high and buried at least 6 inches into the ground to prevent deer from jumping over or digging under it.
  2. Use deer repellents: Apply deer repellents that contain substances such as blood meal, garlic, or predator urine around your impatiens. These odor-based repellents help mask the scent of the plants and discourage deer from coming near.
  3. Grow deer-resistant plants nearby: Planting deer-resistant flowers, shrubs, or herbs around your impatiens can distract deer and redirect their attention away from your prized plants. Examples of deer-resistant plants include yarrow, daffodils, lavender, and catmint.

In addition, consider avoiding planting impatiens in areas with a high deer population or using deer-deterring techniques like motion-activated sprinklers or noise-making devices. By incorporating these prevention measures, you can safeguard your impatiens and maintain a beautiful garden.

Physical barriers

For protective shielding against deer, ancient farmers relied on trenches. Nowadays, however, there are more effective solutions. Fencing, netting and repellent tape can be used to safeguard your impatiens garden.

Fencing should reach at least 8 feet high, while netting must be tightly secured and extend above the plants. Repellent tape with reflective properties can create confusion for deer, scaring them away.

Finally, it’s important to periodically inspect and maintain barriers to prevent gaps that could let deer in!


Humans have been protecting their gardens for centuries! To keep deer away from your impatiens, use scent-based repellents, such as those with blood meal or predator urine. Or, put up physical barriers like fences and netting. Taste-based repellents, containing ingredients such as garlic and hot pepper, can also make your plants unappealing. Motion-activated sprinklers can startle deer when they come near.

Furthermore, be consistent when applying repellents and inspect your plants regularly. With these methods, you can prevent deer from feasting on your impatiens. Take inspiration from the past and use these effective repellent strategies!

Home remedies

  1. Fence your garden! Set up a strong fence that’s at least 8 feet tall & bury it 1 foot deep. This will keep out deer.
  2. Plant lavender, marigolds, or daffodils around your impatiens – their strong scent will act as a deterrent.
  3. Create a repellent spray with garlic, vinegar & water & spray it on your impatiens regularly.
  4. Set up motion-activated sprinklers or noise-making devices nearby to startle deer.
  5. Hang shiny objects like aluminum foil strips or CD disks – these will create flashes of light that scare deer away.
  6. Place scarecrows or life-sized animal decoys in your garden. They’ll trick deer into thinking there’s a predator nearby.
  7. Keep your garden neat & well-trimmed too – deer are less attracted to clean spaces with little cover.
  8. Take action now to protect your impatiens from hungry deer!


Deer have a huge appetite, but not for impatiens – generally, deer don’t eat these flowers. However, depending on the area, season and food available, their preferences can change. So, it’s sensible to take precautions if there are lots of deer around.

We’ve found some fascinating facts about their diet. Although deer don’t usually go for impatiens, they may sample them if there’s no other food. Young or hungry deer may be more likely to munch on these flowers than older or full deer. This proves how important it is to understand their feeding habits.

To show the effect of deer on impatiens, here’s a true story. In a woodland town, people had lovely gardens. But herds of deer would come and eat the impatiens. One summer, a particularly bold doe started eating all the blooms. The gardeners were shocked. Soon, the town came up with clever ways to protect the flowers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do deer eat impatiens?

Yes, deer are known to eat impatiens. Impatiens are a popular choice among deer as they have tender foliage and attractive flowers that they find appealing.

2. Are impatiens deer-resistant?

No, impatiens are not considered deer-resistant. Deer often target impatiens and can cause significant damage to the plants if they are in a deer-populated area.

3. How can I protect my impatiens from deer?

There are several methods you can try to protect your impatiens from deer. These include using deer repellents, installing fences or barriers, and planting deer-resistant plants nearby to divert their attention.

4. Are there any impatiens varieties that deer avoid?

While no impatiens variety can be guaranteed to be completely deer-proof, certain varieties are less palatable to deer. These include New Guinea impatiens, which have thicker leaves and are less appealing to deer.

5. Can I plant impatiens if I have a deer problem?

If you have a significant deer problem in your area, it may be best to choose alternative plants that are less attractive to deer. However, if you still want to plant impatiens, taking appropriate measures to deter deer is crucial.

6. What are some other deer-resistant flowers I can plant?

If you want to avoid deer damage in your garden, consider planting flowers that deer typically avoid. Some popular deer-resistant flowers include marigolds, lavender, daffodils, snapdragons, and salvia.


Buck Venwood

My love for nature and wildlife has been an inseparable part of who I am since my earliest memories. Being an experienced publisher and a pet enthusiast, I’ve spent countless hours exploring, learning, and sharing my knowledge with fellow nature lovers.

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