Deer Species

Calamian Deer Facts and Information

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The Calamian deer is an extraordinary species found on the stunning islands of Calamian in the Philippines. These enchanting creatures are known for their remarkable adaptations and fascinating behavior. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the Calamian deer.

Species Data

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Cervidae
  • Scientific Name: Axis calamianensis
  • Life Span: Typically 15-20 years
  • Height: Approximately 70-80 cm (28-31 inches)
  • Weight: Around 25-45 kg (55-99 pounds)


The Calamian deer, scientifically known as Axis calamianensis, is a medium-sized deer species that inhabits the islands of Calamian in the Philippines. It is characterized by its sleek, reddish-brown coat and white spots on its body. Both males and females typically have unbranched antlers.


These deer have a striking appearance with their reddish-brown fur and distinct white spots, which provide them with effective camouflage in their forested habitat. They have a graceful build, making them agile and swift.


Calamian deer are primarily crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. They are known for their cautious and alert behavior, which helps them avoid predators.


These remarkable deer inhabit the lush forests and grasslands of the Calamian Islands. They are well-adapted to this island environment, where they find ample food and cover.

Diet and Nutrition

Calamian deer are herbivores with a varied diet that includes leaves, grasses, fruits, and other vegetation available in their habitat. Their feeding habits play a crucial role in shaping the island’s ecosystem.

Mating Habits

During the breeding season, males engage in territorial displays and compete for the attention of females.

Mating Behavior

  • Reproduction Season: Typically from November to March
  • Pregnancy Duration: Approximately 8 months
  • Baby Carrying: Does care for and protect their fawns
  • Independent Age: Fawns become more independent at around 6-8 months
  • Female Name: Doe
  • Male Name: Buck
  • Baby Name: Fawn

5 Fun Facts for Kids

  1. Calamian deer are excellent swimmers and are known to swim between islands.
  2. They use vocalizations to communicate with each other, including soft whistles and grunts.
  3. The white spots on their bodies help them blend into the dappled sunlight of the forest.
  4. Calamian deer play a vital role in seed dispersal, aiding in the growth of island plants.
  5. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these unique deer and their island habitat.

The Calamian deer, with its striking appearance and island lifestyle, is a true marvel of the natural world.


Noah Tanner

My love for nature and wildlife has been an inseparable part of who I am since my earliest memories. Being an experienced publisher and a pet enthusiast, I’ve spent countless hours exploring, learning, and sharing my knowledge with fellow nature lovers.

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