Deer Species

Fea’s Muntjac Facts and Information

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The Fea's muntjac is a captivating deer species known for its diminutive size and intriguing characteristics. These enchanting creatures may be small in stature, but they have a big presence in the forests they inhabit. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the remarkable facts that make Fea's muntjac stand out.

Species Data

  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Cervidae
  • Scientific Name: Muntiacus feae
  • Life Span: Typically 12-16 years
  • Height: Approximately 40-55 cm (16-22 inches)
  • Weight: Around 15-25 kg (33-55 pounds)


Fea's muntjac, scientifically known as Muntiacus feae, is a small and elusive deer species found in Southeast Asia. Their reddish-brown coat is adorned with unique V-shaped markings on their forehead. They are known for their distinctively short and sharp antlers, typically found only on males.


One of the most remarkable features of Fea's muntjac is their petite size. They are among the smallest deer species in the world. These deer exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males being slightly larger than females. Their small size allows them to navigate through dense forest undergrowth with ease.


Fea's muntjac is a primarily solitary and crepuscular species, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. They are known for their cautious and secretive behavior, making them challenging to spot in the wild. Their keen senses, including acute hearing and scent detection, help them evade predators.


These enchanting creatures are native to the dense forests and thickets of Southeast Asia, including regions of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. They are well-adapted to forested environments and prefer areas with ample cover.

Diet and Nutrition

Fea's muntjacs are herbivores with a varied diet that includes leaves, shoots, fruits, and flowers. They play a vital role in shaping the plant life of their habitat through their feeding habits.

Mating Habits

During the breeding season, which typically occurs from November to January, males establish territories and compete for the attention of females.

Mating Behavior

  • Reproduction Season: Usually from November to January
  • Pregnancy Duration: Approximately 7-8 months
  • Baby Carrying: Does care for and protect their fawns
  • Independent Age: Fawns become more independent at around 5-6 months
  • Female Name: Doe
  • Male Name: Buck
  • Baby Name: Fawn

5 Fun Facts for Kids

  1. Fea's muntjac is also known as the “Tenasserim muntjac” due to its presence in the Tenasserim Hills.
  2. Despite their small size, these deer are excellent swimmers.
  3. Their distinctive antlers are short and unbranched, making them different from other deer species.
  4. Fea's muntjac communicates using a series of barks and whistles.
  5. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these elusive deer and their forest habitats.


Noah Tanner

My love for nature and wildlife has been an inseparable part of who I am since my earliest memories. Being an experienced publisher and a pet enthusiast, I’ve spent countless hours exploring, learning, and sharing my knowledge with fellow nature lovers.

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